Goodness, I have been away from blogging for awhile! Shame on me! I have been thinking of all kinds of things to write about, honest! I just forget about it and go off on my merry way. Anyhoo, part of the problem is flickr...I'm addicted! Love looking at other peoples artwork and such. I have also been trying to reorganize my craft area. We had my fabric shelf in front of a window which is a major no-no. So we moved things around a bit and I was able to move it against a wall. BTW, Gene and I share our "hobby" room. One side is guitar equipment and the other is my stuff. Although, guitar paraphernalia always ends up on MY side! Hmphf! I don't put my stuff over on his amps or hang stuff from his guitar racks or stack fabric on his shelves, oh no... Ah well, at least I have a big space to do my thang. OH! and I set up a shop on etsy! I don't have anything there yet but I am going to add some pottery here pretty quick. I need to crack the whip and chain myself to the sewing machine to make some stuff for the shop, too. With spring springing I have ideas for some bags and accessories.
I was even invited to be a part of Art recipes. A lot of other artists were asked as well but I still was flattered that they would want me to contribute! Coolness!
We had a really nice snow the other day. The first we've had all winter! It snowed a little last year but not enough to make a snowman and snow angels. It was so long ago I really don't remember. Conner got his first taste of playing in the snow though. I was a little worried about what to do for shoes for him. Cover his with plastic sacks... Then I remembered my wonderful sister, Stephanie, gave me some of her boys' snow boots. YES! The smallest size was a 7 and Conner is a 5 but they fit really well and he was able to walk easily so I was glad he could share in the fun. We bundled up and I, with camera in tote, went out with them to play. Meghan and I made a snowman. Conner and I ate icicles. Rocky ran around the yard at full tilt. I, on the other hand, did not! Conner fell every three steps or so put he didn't care! This was just all to cool. He did not want to go back inside but he trudged back in pink cheeked and wet bottomed and after he got dry and warm he took a long nap. Good times!
For some reason I cannot get pictures to post so will try later!
Sewing*Family*Sewing*Artwork*Sewing* you get the idea....
Friday, March 24, 2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
Come home soon
Painting I made the other day to frame and hang in the living room. I think it turned out well. It is done in
acrylic on linen textured paper (9" x 12") I was going through some blogs and saw a collage with a big bird in it and I thought of this image. I think it was on this blog.
You can see the loverly yellow wall in the background. This is actually my hallway. The livingroom will be green. I feel like I haven't done a whole lot this week. I have been on the computer way too much. I tell you what, that darn flickr is addictive! I go there everyday and love looking through all the pictures. It gives inspiration and now I need to get off my ass and do something with it. I have had several comments on my work and that is so exciting!
Well, speaking of being on the computer too much I really need to get off and do something else!
acrylic on linen textured paper (9" x 12") I was going through some blogs and saw a collage with a big bird in it and I thought of this image. I think it was on this blog.
You can see the loverly yellow wall in the background. This is actually my hallway. The livingroom will be green. I feel like I haven't done a whole lot this week. I have been on the computer way too much. I tell you what, that darn flickr is addictive! I go there everyday and love looking through all the pictures. It gives inspiration and now I need to get off my ass and do something with it. I have had several comments on my work and that is so exciting!
Well, speaking of being on the computer too much I really need to get off and do something else!
Monday, March 13, 2006
Must see movie!
I received the Wal-mart movie on Saturday and Gene and watched it that night. I tell you what I was moved to tears one moment and enraged the next. We have decided that we will no longer shop in their stores including Sam's. This movie was a real eye opener. I never really liked Wal-Mart anyway and this adds fuel to the fire. The way they come in and take over and make smaller business close and take advantage of their employees. Not to mention the working conditions of the people that make all the things stocking the shelves of the stores. We may have to pay a bit more here and there but it is worth it to us. I recommend this movie to everyone. Order it online if you don't have anywhere that is showing it and pass it on when you are through. That's what we are doing. I have a friend that works kind of high up at our local Wal-mart and I would love for her to watch it but I know she would take offense. I feel that they have brainwashed her to the point where she would defend their corporation to any extent. It's just ignorant! It makes me so angry! GRRRR! Whew! must.calm.down.
The weather yesterday was so crazy! We had winds close to 60 mph!
The weather yesterday was so crazy! We had winds close to 60 mph!
here's a shot of the hazy sky over our house.This is from the backyard. The sky had a browner tint to it that the camera didn't really pick up.
The sky had a brown haze over it and there were grass fires and South of us in TX they had bad fires that burned towns and people were killed. Goodness I hope it doesn't reach us.
I have to go cook supper now. So more later!
Thursday, March 9, 2006
New Icon

Well, I took the old icon I found on Yahoo and came up with my own interpretation. I can't for the life of me find the other image again and I have been a little worried about copyright and such. I think I'd like to use this for my labels. I am going to make a cleaner copy so I can Gocco it. (Whoo hoo!)
Got some paint yesterday for the hall and livingroom. Meghan and Gene don't really like it (green for the living room and yellow for the hallway). I think it will be very pretty once I get it all painted. I painted a couple of splotches on the walls to see how it would look. I like it! I spent my birthday money on it too. But if it looks totally crappy it's only paint and we can paint over it...

Tuesday, March 7, 2006
Wal-Mart is evil
I was reading a post on this blog and she talked about a movie about Wal-Mart. It is anti-walmart actually as am I. Pretty much everyone here in Liberal dispises that store. So many of the cute little shops we had are closed up and we only have one other grocery store! Yeah! Liberal has over 20,000 inhabitants not including the small little towns around us. Sheesh! It really shows you how much power they have. I ordered the video which you can too here. I am anxious to see it and I am sure it will make me that much more disgusted at them.
Anyhoo, getting ready to go play with my new Gocco machine. I was also very delighted to see a couple of people commented on my pottery over at flickr. That just made my day, I tell you! I am so over critical of anything I do and it just made my heart pitter-patter to see that other potters liked MY stuff. WOW! Well, I better go get after it. Had to take Gene's mom to the eye doctor today and haven't gotten anything done around this joint.
Anyhoo, getting ready to go play with my new Gocco machine. I was also very delighted to see a couple of people commented on my pottery over at flickr. That just made my day, I tell you! I am so over critical of anything I do and it just made my heart pitter-patter to see that other potters liked MY stuff. WOW! Well, I better go get after it. Had to take Gene's mom to the eye doctor today and haven't gotten anything done around this joint.
Saturday, March 4, 2006
Gocco has arrived!
I got my shiny new Print Gocco today! Yeah!!! I'm very excited to start playing with it.
It is actually not brand new. I got it off of eBay. EBay is so great! Anything you could possibly want! Anyhoo, it's not "new" but never been used and all of the stuff is there. The previous owner cut one design out of the sample sheet and opened a couple of inks but that is pretty much it. It also came with the stamp for fabric kit. Gene wasn't to sure how it all worked so he wanted to watch me make a master. Now I must decide on what to make first!
Well, it's kinda late and I'm pooped. We cleaned the garage out today. (see...I told ya we would) It was so windy today crap was blowing everywhere but I found my book on drawing the human form finally. It was buried under a bunch of boxes. Go figure! Anyway, I can get to my clay and most of my tables are cleared off they need a good cleaning as does my wheel. I have a big old wooden table that is very scarred and dinged up but it is really sturdy and I love it. I got it from the junior college here in town. I took a few semesters of their ceramics course and the instructor was moving and it was his table and he said I could have it if I wanted it and I was like, "hell yeah!" Anyway, I was really pissed off because as we uncovered it from all the crap that was on it I found all these greasy stains. Well, apparently my husband placed his dirty, oily rags on my beautiful old wooden table after he changed the oil on his frickin' motorcycle. Can you believe dat? Man, I was mad. Of course he was like oh we can get another piece of plywood and screw it to the top. Well, it's just not the same dammit!
I really need to go to bed now as it is 12:30 AM. Nitey-nite!

Well, it's kinda late and I'm pooped. We cleaned the garage out today. (see...I told ya we would) It was so windy today crap was blowing everywhere but I found my book on drawing the human form finally. It was buried under a bunch of boxes. Go figure! Anyway, I can get to my clay and most of my tables are cleared off they need a good cleaning as does my wheel. I have a big old wooden table that is very scarred and dinged up but it is really sturdy and I love it. I got it from the junior college here in town. I took a few semesters of their ceramics course and the instructor was moving and it was his table and he said I could have it if I wanted it and I was like, "hell yeah!" Anyway, I was really pissed off because as we uncovered it from all the crap that was on it I found all these greasy stains. Well, apparently my husband placed his dirty, oily rags on my beautiful old wooden table after he changed the oil on his frickin' motorcycle. Can you believe dat? Man, I was mad. Of course he was like oh we can get another piece of plywood and screw it to the top. Well, it's just not the same dammit!
I really need to go to bed now as it is 12:30 AM. Nitey-nite!
Thursday, March 2, 2006
Yes, as I mentioned before I make pots. Or I used to...I haven't in a long time as I spoke about in the previous post. Here is a vase I did a few years ago. It's one of my faves. I really like the color combination. All of these pots were thrown on a wheel.
If it's nice this weekend Gene said we will clean out the garage. Oh yes, I think we will even if it's crappy!
Here's a close up of the rim. the glazes inside and out reacted and made some cool runs and coloration.
this is one of several planters i made
here's the bottomand inside
Jar with a sea theme. I sculpted the fish for the handle. after the pot was thrown and still wet I pressed seashells into the surface and did a little scraffito.
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