aside from, maybe, childbirth...watching your baby get shots! Oh yes! Conner had to get two shots yesterday. Poor little man... he hasn't been eating very well all week and then on Wed. he got a high fever and the same on thurs. so in to the Dr. we went! He has strep AND tonsillitis!!! His Dr. said his tonsils were HUGE and she drew us a picture of how huge they are. Poor man... Anyway, we got home and he was in so much pain he just screamed and cried and straightened out his little legs 'cause they hurt! One of those shots seemed large enough for a horse. Who could blame him! I just cried too. I felt so bad for him and there is not much I could do besides hold him (trying not to touch the injection sites!) Oh goodness, it was a mess...but he is much better now and has some meds to take. She gave us all scripts in case we get it too.
On a happier note! My good friend Mary from back in my Texas days called and told me she is preggers! It's been a long bumpy road for her and she sounded happy for the first time in years. Then, I read my new friend Amy's blog and it says she most likely will be having a little girl! Yeah! Babies!!! Let me get rid of another 50 lbs. and I'll be ready for another one, too! Heehee...
On the crafty side, I'm nearly finished with Kati's tote bag. I think she may have had sticker shock when I told her the price of the other bag so I don't know if she'll want this or not. I think $30 is pretty reasonable for a handmade bag though! If she doesn't take it I'll pop it on etsy. I want to try to make a really cool thing I found on Craftster the other day, too. It's a changing pad that holds diapers and and travel wipes. Coolness. Since my diaper pouch thingy I thought I invented is actually patent pending by some other friggin' lady I can't very well market mine. I had drawings and measurements and everything and then I come by that f*@kin' diapeewipee thing...dammit! Oh well.
I can hear Conner up so I better go check on him. Maybe he'll want to eat now that his little throat feels better.
Sewing*Family*Sewing*Artwork*Sewing* you get the idea....
Friday, May 19, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
A new 'do
Well, I got a new haircut today and I'm not sure if I like it or not. It's a bit shorter than I wanted and not really what I asked for. I like my hair kinda funkified and I think my hairdresser is just a little too conservative. 

I think once I wash it myself and use all my own styling gunk I'll be happy with it.
I finished the tote for Kati's friend last night and took it to her house today. She loved it and was thinking of keeping it for herself. She thinks her freind will like it, too so I'm happy.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
The Bird's
I love birds! And now we have a little bird family beginning in front of our house! I've been noticing these birds flying into a spider plant I have hanging right in front of our livingroom window. At first I thought they were just getting stuff for there nest and flying off. Well, the other day I took my plant down (out of curiosity) and, sure enough, they are building their nest right inside my plant! My mom has had this happen a few times but we never have so I'm mighty excited about it! I can't wait till they start laying eggs so we can watch for the babies to hatch. I'm not sure what type of birds these are. The male has a pretty red head and the female is brown and really stripy so I am thinking a type of finch. Purple finch maybe? I dunno but it is cool all the same. Here they are looking at their nest. I try to get pictures of them through the window but every time they see the slightest movement they hurry off. Hopefully they will get used to me looking at them and not run off. It was kind of cute how they were ducking their heads down to check on the nest.

I took this picture just a second ago and noticed they have added some stuffing so their little abode will be plush and cozy. When I looked the other day it was just started and there were a few twigs, a tiny feather, and a bit of an indentation in the soil were they must have scratched the dirt around. CUTE!!! I just love it!

I took this picture just a second ago and noticed they have added some stuffing so their little abode will be plush and cozy. When I looked the other day it was just started and there were a few twigs, a tiny feather, and a bit of an indentation in the soil were they must have scratched the dirt around. CUTE!!! I just love it!

In other, more crafty news, I am working away at the totes. I ran out of interfacing and since I DO NOT shop at that one store I ordered it online from JoAnn's and thankfully they had a 50% day. Whoo hoo! So I just said "what the hey!" and ordered a bolt of the stuff. It got here really quickly and I'm back in action. Here's a li'l sneaky peak:
Friday, May 5, 2006
The End
Well, not of me but, the gift shop that I used to work for is quitting business. They wanted me to work all this week (and then some) but I just couldn't do that. I did work yesterday for the first day of there sale. It was so busy but nice to get out of the house for the day. It was also really sad. They are all good friends and I will miss coming in at Christmas time to do up their window displays (which I have done for the past few years even after I had to leave to work for the hubby). There were all the ladies outside banging on the door to get in and the owners wanted to say a prayer before we opened. We were all crying and I had mascara tears dripping down my face seconds before they opened the doors. Of course I was wearing a white top and had to walk around all day with little grayish teardrops on my shirt. Greeaaaat! I tried the shout wipes to get it out (which usually works on everything) and it only made it worse. Oh well! The downtown area is kind of dying (like most towns) Thanks to that friggin' store that is not to be mentioned. It begins with a W and ends with know the one.
Well, I am going to shut up now and put away all the clean dishes my MIL so lovingly washed for me while I was working yesterday. May all the Gods rain down blessings upon her! =)
Later y'all!
Well, I am going to shut up now and put away all the clean dishes my MIL so lovingly washed for me while I was working yesterday. May all the Gods rain down blessings upon her! =)
Later y'all!
Wednesday, May 3, 2006
*Fabric score* ah yeah...
During our trip to Amarillo, TX on Saturday we stopped at Hobby Lobby to get some fabric. *!!!* I have a couple of special orders for some tote/diaper bags and I needed some fabric to go with the stuff I already had. They have an awesome clearance and remenant section! Man, I was in heaven! I found everything I needed in the remenant bin and plus a little more..tee hee! Here's a sample:
Just the polka dot here. The other stuff I already had.

Wacky fabric award goes to...

What in the hell am I going to do with 3 yards of this?! I figure some handbags. If anyone is reading this please leave me some ideas in the comment section.
Heck, just leave me comments anytime! I feel like such a loser... nobody ever leaves me comments *sniff, sniff* <-[ okay now I'm going to go crawl in a corner and feel sorry for myself...
HAH! YEAH RIGHT!!! =) I've got sewing to do.
Later peoples!
Just the polka dot here. The other stuff I already had.

What in the hell am I going to do with 3 yards of this?! I figure some handbags. If anyone is reading this please leave me some ideas in the comment section.
Heck, just leave me comments anytime! I feel like such a loser... nobody ever leaves me comments *sniff, sniff* <-[ okay now I'm going to go crawl in a corner and feel sorry for myself...
HAH! YEAH RIGHT!!! =) I've got sewing to do.
Later peoples!
Monday, May 1, 2006
It's raining, it pouring...
Coming home from Amarillo on Saturday we hit some rain. I just love it when you can see the rain falling. Once we came on a wall of rain. It was really second your dry and then the next it's pouring down. neato. Anyhoo, we had fun. I bought a bunch of fabric to make bags. a girlfriend of mine was wanting a diaper bag like mine and then she ordered one for a friend of hers that just had a baby. I'm going to make up several others and put them up on Etsy. Which reminds me that I NEED to photograph my other pots and get them up, too. Hopefully my friend will spread the word and I can sell some bags. She is one of those people that has tons of friends so it could work to my advantage if she drops my name here and there! teehee =) I need to get a move more later!
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