Okay, seriously, I've been thinking about blogging stuff but I just never sit my butt down and get it done. I've been sewing quite a bit and dealing with a sick toddler. One minute he has horrible diarrhea the next, he gets it again, and now he is on meds for tonsilitis and a nasty cough. Sheesh. The first bout of diarrhea came the day before we were to go to Wichita. I wanted to finally check out Needle Nook and pick up the owner's bra pattern, her bra-making manual, and a couple of the kits they offer. Gene needed to go to get one of his amps worked on. I decided to stay behind so he went on with Meghan and whaddya know, he stopped by the shop and picked up the book and pattern for me! How sweet. I have such a good hubby! I promptly got to work on the bra using bits and pieces I had in my stash. I was sort of pleased with the outcome. Even though I used a mish-mash of fabrics and elastic it turned out pretty. The cup was too small and band too big even though I measured like the book said. Poo. I swear, me and my big hooters....The good news is we got to go back this last weekend and I got to spend some time in the shop, get this....on my own! Holy Crap, right? Anyhoo, I can't say enough about how helpful the ladies are. I brought my bra along so I could maybe get a critique. Well, one of the staff, Deb, told me to go put it on and she'd see what's what. So, I did. She even gave me a quick fitting and had me try on one of their premade fitting bras. We found I just need to go up a cup size (shock of all shocks) and use better elastic in the band (the stuff I used for the bra band was vintage from the thrift store and had lost a lot of it's elasticity). I also picked up a few of the kits. 
Here on the far right you can see the little baggies with fabric and all the fixin's. The nude and white have enough for three bras and the sparkly pink (doesn't every girl need a sparkly pink bra?!) is for one bra. They had black, too and a bunch of other fun colors. Now I just need to get Halloween costumes finished and I have a few alterations I need to get done before I start diggin' in. I can't wait! The other is some brown jersey with gold for a t-shirt, some irridescent white sheer tricot to make Meghan a bra and the red is a 50 denier tricot to make me another bra and some panties. Should have enough for Miss M, too. The last is some groovy camo print knit with a shiny snakeskin overlay (I have no idea what it's called) for Conner's costume. He's going to be a dinosaur. That boy lives and breathes dinosaurs....

Also, if you need elastic might I suggest the Kathy_s Yahoo group? I recently joined her coop and had her send me one of the 1 pound assortments (only $7 plus shipping!) so I could get an idea of the quality. Above is a picture of the variety she sent. Holy cow, it was like Christmas! It comes in one big bag so I sorted them and placed each in it's own little baggie. It's all really nice lingerie elastic and stretch lace (some just have discolorations or is a tiny bit dirty from storage). I've already used some of it to make Meghan a little bra. I made it yesterday and she's wearing it today so I didn't get a chance to take a pick of it, yet. Kathy also has tons of fold over elastic. I'm just starting to get used to it so I didn't order any from her yet but she has a 1 lb assortment of that for $15, too. I figure that would be perfect for the diaper makers out there!
I can't think of anything else at the moment. I need to go make some cocoa for Meghan. She'll be home soon and it's a cold, crappy day. Cocoa will make it all better! ;-D