Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween

Just a quick post to wish everyone a fantastic Halloween!
This is the first time in 13 years that I haven't had to make a costume. I'm a little sad... but also a bit relieved since I've been so busy. I have no cute pictures to offer either. I'm a slacker, what can I say...
Everyone have fun and be safe!!!


  1. you and me both! My older niece and nephew have decided they are far too cool for trick or treating...and my littlest nephew wore a costume I had made for the older a few years no sewing here, either!

  2. I cut an eye mask from foam...does that count? I may have to zig-zag some red fabric for a cape in a few mins...Happy Halloween to you too!

  3. Aw, sniff. I didn't have a costume to fool with this year either. Lu had a party last night, but she didn't get to go because she's been a little temperamental (read: Hateful) Parenting is HARD, but I held my guns.

    Anyway, I didn't even discuss costumes with her since she couldn't go to that party, and we stayed in and watched movies last night. (We both survived). Hopefully I get trick or treater's this year! I've got candy at the door!

  4. Thanks Michelle! My daughter walked with us but did NOT trick-or-treat! Heaven forbid. 13 year olds...
    I think that counts, Millie... LOL!
    I feel you all the way, Angie! We are in the same boat, sista! M is grounded because of her math grade. You should hear all the whining that has commenced...

  5. I just discovered your blog and I really enjoy it. I hope you enjoyed Halloween and now have to start planning for Christmas ... I hope that your mother-law is good.


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