Thursday, January 14, 2010

Back Online!

We finally got our new computer last night! I have felt so very out of touch this past week. It's our only source of information since we don't have cable or satellite TV. I just found about Haiti yesterday! To top it all off, my Mother-in-Law suddenly fell quite ill and we were rushing to Doctor and then hospital. All is well with her now, thank heavens! All I can say is, what else is next! I'm beginning to think this is all some sort of cosmic joke and I've just about had enough. Hopefully, I can get caught up on housework in the next few days and get back to sewing! I've missed being near my sewing machine something terrible. The new semester for my aqua aerobics class started Monday and I haven't even been once so I'm feeling kinda bad about that too. I need to get my booty shakin' and get some work done.

I hope you all are doing much better than me!
Take it easy!

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I love getting your comments! If you have questions or just want to say "Hi" please do so here too.