Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Broken bones and training bras

Ok. Well, we've had an interesting coupla weeks around here. Well not that interesting but I thought that sounded like a good opener. First off two Saturdays ago my dear husband broke his foot. So, we spent nearly the whole afternoon in the waiting room of the emergency room. Okay, okay, it was only like 2-3 hours but it sure felt like all day. Come to find out he has what they call a Dancer's Fracture because it is very common amongst dancers and athletes. Apparently, his wasn't too bad so they stuck this ugly little bootie thing on his foot and sent him along his way with instructions to see a Orthopedic surgeon on Monday. Yeah. No temporary cast, no wrapping of an Ace bandage, nothin', nada. And then we find out our crappy insurance won't pay for any of this so we'll have an inflated hospital bill of probably $1200-$1500 with only an ugly little bootie thing to show for it. After a lot of internet research about his foot, Gene pretty much said "F@%k going to a doctor!" and we went to a medical supply place and got him one of those walking boot/cast things that he can take off and on and it is working. It is the same thing the doctor would have put on him anyway. Thank heaven for the 'Net. It only cost $85. I'm sure the doctor would have charged triple that or given him the fancy neumatic one that was $600! Good Lord!

I bet you're wondering about the whole training bra bit. Yeah... well, me too! My sweet little girl turned 9 this summer and with that she's starting to blossom a little bit. She is of the plump persuasion anyway so I thought it would be fun to get her a few of the little training bras that are basically a cropped tank top, you know? She wasn't too sure about them at first and wore them a few times during the end of the summer. She's used to them now and wears one everyday. Okay, that's all fine and good, right? She came home last weekend from spending the night at her Granny's (who lives in town) and apparently she failed to pack a bra or something because when she came home she wasn't wearing one. And the scary fact was I could tell!!! ALRIGHT! I WANT TO KNOW WHO IN HELL TOOK MY BABY GIRL AWAY FORM ME AND TURNED HER INTO A MINI-WOMAN!!! Is it my fault for getting those friggin' baby bras? Did they make her breast GROW? I just want to sit down and cry. I found our video camera awhile ago and finally got it working. We haven't used in forever because Meghan dropped and it made a loud whirring noise whenever we used it. Anyway, that's neither here nor there.... I played some of the tapes and there was my little sweetpea opening her birthday presents from when she turned 2. And Christmas at 2 1/2, singing her ABC's outside in the backyard when she was not yet 3, and a preschool performance. Oh I just cried and cried. I'm crying now just thinking of it! I wish I could rewind time like I did those tapes. I miss her like that so much but I do love the "'tween" she is now and the young woman she is becoming and further more the woman I think she'll be.

I do have a little crafty update. More swappage...Imagine that! I got my handbag in from my Handbag swap partner. Julie was moving at the time of the swap so she e-mailed me and told me it would be late. That was cool of her. It is handknit and felted. Really lovely, but I can't use it as a purse dammit! The way it is constructed it hangs open and all my crap falls out so this fall when I start crocheting and knitting again I'll use it for my projects. I sent off my Flat Stanley for that swap yesterday. He is going to Washington. I can't wait to get mine. I've already got plans for him. Muwhahaahaaaa!

I sent my Letter for me #3 buddy an ATC. Actually, my very first! When she wrote back to me she told me what they were in the first place! Miss Annie you have inspired me.
What else, what else.....I can't think of anything. I do have several more swaps coming up this month so more on those later.

It's almost 9 a.m. and Conner is still in bed so I better go get him up. The lazy bum! Thinks just because he's not even 2 yet he can sleep as long as he wants. ;) Gene says he's about ready to start mowing the lawn. hehehe (he is joking, trust me!)

Have a beautiful day!

sorry no pictures again. I fully intended to have some but for some reason they won't load. I'll try again later!

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Swap mosaic
Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.

Whew! I have seriously needed to update this sucker for awhile! Sorry everyone.

Anyway, as you can see I've had some swap action going on! I think I've said before that I'm hooked and having fun with it! In the photo starting at the top left-hand corner is a letter from Annie in NY. I sent her a letter for the "A letter for me #3" swap and she wrote me back! How wonderful. She is very into Artist Trading Cards (and very good at it) so I asked her to tell me about them 'cause I know very little about them. I didn't even know they exsisted till I joined Swap-bot. Anyway, she sent me a lovely, funny, awesome letter in return and even sent me some of her very own ATC's! Gah! How friggin' cool is she, anyway!?! The next is some beautiful ribbon from Natalie (one of them is not in the photo). She sent along some D-rings to make a couple of belts which was so thoughtful! Ribbon is awesome, BTW. It's the good stuff! and moving on...stickers from Ella. Very cute! I love the little fishy. He's made of foam so he's poofy. I love the poof... She also sent me way more than the required amount which is totally cool. I try to do that in all my swaps 'cause I like to make people smile and extra goodies always make me smile! =D Also, surprises ROCK! Next, at the beginning of the next row is more ribbon swappage. It's from Mari in Finland. Again, some really awesome stuff...some even vintage. *!* (whispers)i love vintage....There was vintage buttons and a little wooden gamepiece. The envelope she made by folding what looks like a very thick magazine page and taping it. I love it! Must try it... the little note card is handmade too and very pretty! The card from Lesly was from my very first swap "A letter for me #2" (I missed #1). The card is so cute and a very nice letter indeed! The last picture is actually what I'm sending my buddy for the "Fall Fabric & Trim Swap". Unfortunatly, I am missing a few pictures. =( I received an awesome package of stickers from Sasha and I can't find it as I'm reorganizing my sewing stuff. She sent an envelope chock full of scrapbookin' stickers and others, too. So sweet! Remember, I love me some surprises! And the other two are letters from "A letter for me #3 & #4" swaps. They're in my craft stuff, I promise. Both letters were amazing! Both ladies were so friendly it gives me hope for the world! Thank you, Natalie B. and Jennifer!
Have a good day everyone!

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Last minute everything!

Well we seem to be doing everything in the last minutes before school starts. We were gone over the weekend to do some school shopping and stayed at my mom and dad's since they are close to Wichita. Meghan is staying there for the week and we will be going back there on Wednesday. We have a "thing" to go to Thurs. and Fri. Gene was eligible for "Admiral's Club" with his job. This basically means he sold enough life insurance during a previous period and is being acknowledged by getting to go to this special meeting. It's actually pretty cool. I'm going with him and on Thursday night we are having a Murder Mystery Dinner and everyone has a "part". Gene is Louis Armstrong and I'm Karen Carpenter. We are going to have fun with it though. They said for us to go all out for it and Gene is borrowing a trumpet from a buddy and I am working on a costume. I just need some bell bottoms or something as I have a top that should work. It'll be a stretch 'cause Karen was really small and petite and well, I'm so very not! Anyhoo, it should be fun.

I got a lovely letter from my "A letter for me #3" swap partner yesterday. Miz Natalie is from the U.K. which was so cool to me and it seems as though we have quite a bit in common. So, I promptly wrote her a 5 or 6 page letter and got it to the post office today. It only cost 85 cents! Cool! I'm having too much fun with these swaps, I tell ya. I went to Craftster and had a look at their swaps and it just looks too complicated! Too many rules although, I understand the reasoning! I really must get going though. I have lots of laundry to catch up on before we leave again! I'll be staying at my Mom's for a few days after we get done with the meetings since my sister and her kids will be there too! Wow! 5 kids under one roof? Eeeek!

Later ya'll!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Swap-Bot goodies

Swap-Bot goodies
Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.

Well, here is the package I'm sending my Swap-Bot partner! I hope she likes it. I'm really pleased how it turned out and I'm thinkin' I need to make a similar one for me!

My partner is in Brazil, by the way... How cool is that. Until I see how much the shipping will be. I have absolutely no idea what to expect.

This is just a quickie post, I have to go get supper started: Fried Catfish and mac-and-cheese. Maybe some redbeans and rice...? YUMMY!!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Swapbot Mania

Well, I have (finally) discovered the wonders of Swapbot! A few weeks ago I was invited by a flickr buddy to join the Handbag Swap. I have never been involved in a swap and was so excited to be invited! I had seen on many a blog where people were getting all this fabulous mail and it completely eluded me as to how all this was happening! Well, I've found it and it is sooo addictive. I've already signed up for two others! I even received my first swap item today. I signed up for the "A Letter for Me" swap and I got my letter today! It's from a lovely lady, Lesly. How exciting is all this!? How fun... I must be a bit cautious though because I can see myself signing up for several of these and not having anytime to, like, take care of my kids and house and stuff. hehehe I'm currently working on my handbag for my swap and waiting to hear who my partner is for the Ribbon Swap. (!) You should definitely try it.

Monday, July 17, 2006

where does the time go (and stinkin' Ebay sellers)

(Warning: liberal dosing of profanity towards end, sorry)
Whew! I cannot believe this summer is nearly over. In saying that I don't mean the temperature, by any means! It's supposed to be 107 degrees today! Eeegads...
What I'm meaning is Meghan will be back in school soon and I'll be able to get back on some sort of schedule again. wahoo! It's hard to believe she just turned 9 and will be in the 4th grade! Ahh....that means I'm gettin older, too.

We had a really nice trip to my brother's for the 4th of July holiday. It was not nearly long enough. We had so much fun at Worlds of Fun and plan to go again. In talking to my S-I-L, she'd like it to maybe become a yearly thing to do something for the holiday. Which is cool with me. I had a good talk with my brother, too. Everytime family gets together we are all so rushed and never really get to talk. That was really nice. We didn't get to do everything we wanted but it was nice to get away form this town!

Oh, and Conner got ahold of one of their china teacups and broke it. Eek! I think it was her grandma's china. God, I felt like shit! But I found one on I got it last week and it was the wrong one so I had to send it back. I should be gettin the correct one soon. I also found some of the china on Ebay. I got a really good price on a set of sooup bowls, sugar and creamer, gravy boat, and oval veggie bowl. When I got it I opened it up and heard the horrid clanking sound of broken china. Oh I was pissed! The veggie bowl, creamer handle and one soup bowl was broken! I could have just strangled that lady! She did the shittiest packing job I have ever seen!!! I was just sick! She refunded part of the money to me but I still feel like I got ripped. In the auction she even said the packing was a little higher priced so she could pack it extra good. Fuck that! Fucking bitch! GGGrrgrgrggrrr! Okay, I'm making myself angry again. Must. calm. down. (inhale, exhale) Anyway, it just really made me mad because the reason I friggin' bid on her stupid aucion was because it had those serving pieces! FUUUCKKK!!! Uh... sorry about the sprinkling of "F" words. I can't help it. It feels very cleansing though. To a small degree. I hate to leave negative feedback and I never have but, I dunno, this may warrant it. What would you all do?

I really have to go now and friggin' blogger is not letting me post any pictures....AGAIN! What am I doing wrong! I swear I'm thinking of switching to typepad! Maybe after school starts and I'll actually have time to blog!

Later ya'll

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I Gots mine!

Whoo Hoo! I got my wee wonderfully pattern in the mail today. Apparently I am one of the lucky ones as she sold out in like a few hours or something. The pattern looks really simple and I cannot wait to get started making one. I really must go now though. We are going on a mini vacation to my brother's this weekend and I wanted to get everything straightened and caught up before we go so we come back to a nice clean house with no laundry other than what we bring with us. I'm really excited. I wish we could have a longer time to visit and see the sites (and shop) but I don't want to over stay our welcome and plus there's this thing called work that the hubby has to come home for.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

wardrobe remix 6-22-2006

Well, I joined the wardrobe remix group on flickr the other day. I just love looking at how everyone puts stuff together. I also see that I need a major overhaul

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

brain farts

ever have one of those days when everything you you do makes you think "oh crap, why did I do that?!" yesteray was like that for me. Now, generally I believe myself to be of above-average intelligence and quite clever and witty. It was a smack-the-forehead day for li'l ol' me yesterday.... It all started when I was packing up some goodies for my dear sister and her daughter when I got the idea that I needed to send her boys something, too. I mean you just can't do that to little kids. The gift I'm sending my neice was actually for her birthday that was over a month ago... uh, yes! I'm a horrible procratinator but that's a different story. Anyhoo, I thought some little tote bags would be cool for them. They could put all their goodies in 'em and maybe use them for library trips. So I got to work on those. I had just bought some transfer paper the other day and thought "hey, wouldn't it be cool to put their names on them!" Okay, so things are going pretty good so far, right? Well, I hopped on over to the computer and spent all this time finding cool fonts and colors to go with the bag colors.... I printed them out on the iron transfer paper and let 'em dry. As I was getting ready to iron on the first one I thought maybe I should do a test run first. Good thing 'cause my dumb ass forgot to reverse the print. Duh. Then I reprinted the names and was happily ironing the first one to it's respective bag. The bag is dark denim so I printed my eldest nephew's name in light yellow, thinking it would show up, right? Wrong. It was translucent yellow and so it doesn't even friggin' show up! Um, the package DID say to only use it on light fabrics.... but ya know I'm just soooo smart that I thought of a way to get around it. Duh #2. Okay so finally, I lifted everything up and I had been ironing on my work table with the required pillowcase under the fabric. And what did I find you ask? I f@#*ing melted my cutting mat! Of course on the back it says keep away from heat and cold. super duh #3. For crissakes what is the matter with me?!? Here's the finished product:

I'm just going to make a patch and put over the boo boo.

Oh that's alright just laugh.... =P

Monday, June 12, 2006

what was I thinking...

what was I thinking...
Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.
or maybe I wasn't thinking... I don't know. I dyed my hair today which is something I've never done before. I'm a natural redhead but this is RED! You know I really like it to be honest. I had one of those "oh crap" moments when I rinsed all the goo out and looked in the mirror. But after I fixed 'er up it's no so bad. My Mom'll probably die and I know my MIL will not to mention my daughter. My husband might find it intriguing though. Like he'll get to sleep with another woman...we'll see as they will both be hemo in a few minutes!

Friday, June 9, 2006


Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.
In the garage sale stuff I found this pale green dress I had made several years ago. The stripy fabric is some old sheets of ours that I loved. I transformed these into some new jammies for Meghan and I! They turned out really good and were comfy. AND!!! and they fit! I just used Meghan's measurements to make hers. She was asleep 'cause I started hers at like midnight so I had to wait till morning to finish the straps. She loves them by the way! Now she wants more! I need to make Conner some though. We go through his jammies so fast! I think just about every morning that kid is soaked! He just pees and pees at night! I got bigger diapers because I thought the others were too small but he leaks out of these because they are to big! Sheesh!

Well, off I go to sew!

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

dresses made for 20yr olds should not be worn by 60+ yr olds!

Well, I might be gettin' a little tailoring business today. My M-I-L's neighbor needs to have a dress tomorrow!!! Yeah, she's friggin' crazy anyway. Uh... literally. and annoying you know the type. and she always like hums through her nose and she's really nosy. I said I'd have to look at the dress first as I usually require at least a week on stuff like this. She'll be over soon.

Okay, she just left. Um, I'm not sure this woman should be wearing this dress... but hey, it's money in mah pocket! so I will just shut up. I guess I better get started. My house is a mess, too. I need a maid...

Monday, June 5, 2006

summa summa summa tiimme

Remember that song by Will Smith? Well, it's that time again around here. Technically it's still spring but around these parts it's SUMMER!!! Friggin' 100 degree temps. Supposed to be 101 today. Who. pee.

Along with spring comes garage sales! Oh yes I love them. We had one this last Saturday and it wnet really well. We had sooo much stuff. Mostly clothes. I wanted to keep everything from last years so we could have one this year... Not this time. oh no... We just got done donating everything a little while ago. It feels SO good to get all that out of my house! It was spilling out from the attic into just about every room. Our bedroom mostly. Now I get to clean it up and make it resemble a bedroom again instead of an attic! Plus my husband was about to pull the rest of his very minimal hair out! He threatened to pitch it all on several occasions. Whew! It was a nice day too. WINDY but nice. I think the wind helped it from being to terribly hot. We did most of our business before we were technically open, which was fine with me! We didn't make a huge wad of cash because we had everything really cheap to get rid of it. I'm saving it all up for our trip to Kansas City. My brother and his wife have invited us up for the weekend before the 4th. Gonna take Meghan to Worlds of Fun for the first time. I have to say that I'm really excited. My S-I-L was telling me about a really awesome fabris store that she wanted to take me to. I hope we will still have time!

Meghan is starting a Summer Adventure program with the Parks and Rec Dept. Today is the first day and the reason that I actually have time to blog! Whoo hoo! Generally she is standing over my shoulder wanting me to go to the Worlds of Fun website...hence, I have not been able to catch up on reading all the blogs I used to read everyday let alone post anything in my own!!!

I have done some sewing. I've been making some tote bags and I got a few more pottery items added to my etsy shop. I hope they will sell. THAT would be totally awesome! Oh and speaking of pottery... now that we have gotten rid of all our excesses I will be able to get to my pottery wheel and clay! YES! I'm really excited about this.

Well, while Conner is napping and Meghan is off having fun I'm going to have a little fun of my own. TO the sewing room I go. I tried the printing ribbon labels through my printer and want to see how they will hold up to washing. If it works I will be so happy. I haven't tried the iron on transfer yet. So off I go!


Friday, May 19, 2006

Some of the worst pain ever...

aside from, maybe, childbirth...watching your baby get shots! Oh yes! Conner had to get two shots yesterday. Poor little man... he hasn't been eating very well all week and then on Wed. he got a high fever and the same on thurs. so in to the Dr. we went! He has strep AND tonsillitis!!! His Dr. said his tonsils were HUGE and she drew us a picture of how huge they are. Poor man... Anyway, we got home and he was in so much pain he just screamed and cried and straightened out his little legs 'cause they hurt! One of those shots seemed large enough for a horse. Who could blame him! I just cried too. I felt so bad for him and there is not much I could do besides hold him (trying not to touch the injection sites!) Oh goodness, it was a mess...but he is much better now and has some meds to take. She gave us all scripts in case we get it too.

On a happier note! My good friend Mary from back in my Texas days called and told me she is preggers! It's been a long bumpy road for her and she sounded happy for the first time in years. Then, I read my new friend
Amy's blog and it says she most likely will be having a little girl! Yeah! Babies!!! Let me get rid of another 50 lbs. and I'll be ready for another one, too! Heehee...

On the crafty side, I'm nearly finished with Kati's tote bag. I think she may have had sticker shock when I told her the price of the other bag so I don't know if she'll want this or not. I think $30 is pretty reasonable for a handmade bag though! If she doesn't take it I'll pop it on etsy. I want to try to make a really cool thing I found on
Craftster the other day, too. It's a changing pad that holds diapers and and travel wipes. Coolness. Since my diaper pouch thingy I thought I invented is actually patent pending by some other friggin' lady I can't very well market mine. I had drawings and measurements and everything and then I come by that f*@kin' diapeewipee thing...dammit! Oh well.

I can hear Conner up so I better go check on him. Maybe he'll want to eat now that his little throat feels better.

Friday, May 12, 2006

A new 'do

Well, I got a new haircut today and I'm not sure if I like it or not. It's a bit shorter than I wanted and not really what I asked for. I like my hair kinda funkified and I think my hairdresser is just a little too conservative.

I think once I wash it myself and use all my own styling gunk I'll be happy with it.

I finished the tote for Kati's friend last night and took it to her house today. She loved it and was thinking of keeping it for herself. She thinks her freind will like it, too so I'm happy.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Bird's

I love birds! And now we have a little bird family beginning in front of our house! I've been noticing these birds flying into a spider plant I have hanging right in front of our livingroom window. At first I thought they were just getting stuff for there nest and flying off. Well, the other day I took my plant down (out of curiosity) and, sure enough, they are building their nest right inside my plant! My mom has had this happen a few times but we never have so I'm mighty excited about it! I can't wait till they start laying eggs so we can watch for the babies to hatch. I'm not sure what type of birds these are. The male has a pretty red head and the female is brown and really stripy so I am thinking a type of finch. Purple finch maybe? I dunno but it is cool all the same. Here they are looking at their nest. I try to get pictures of them through the window but every time they see the slightest movement they hurry off. Hopefully they will get used to me looking at them and not run off. It was kind of cute how they were ducking their heads down to check on the nest.

I took this picture just a second ago and noticed they have added some stuffing so their little abode will be plush and cozy. When I looked the other day it was just started and there were a few twigs, a tiny feather, and a bit of an indentation in the soil were they must have scratched the dirt around. CUTE!!! I just love it!

In other, more crafty news, I am working away at the totes. I ran out of interfacing and since I DO NOT shop at that one store I ordered it online from JoAnn's and thankfully they had a 50% day. Whoo hoo! So I just said "what the hey!" and ordered a bolt of the stuff. It got here really quickly and I'm back in action. Here's a li'l sneaky peak:

Friday, May 5, 2006

The End

Well, not of me but, the gift shop that I used to work for is quitting business. They wanted me to work all this week (and then some) but I just couldn't do that. I did work yesterday for the first day of there sale. It was so busy but nice to get out of the house for the day. It was also really sad. They are all good friends and I will miss coming in at Christmas time to do up their window displays (which I have done for the past few years even after I had to leave to work for the hubby). There were all the ladies outside banging on the door to get in and the owners wanted to say a prayer before we opened. We were all crying and I had mascara tears dripping down my face seconds before they opened the doors. Of course I was wearing a white top and had to walk around all day with little grayish teardrops on my shirt. Greeaaaat! I tried the shout wipes to get it out (which usually works on everything) and it only made it worse. Oh well! The downtown area is kind of dying (like most towns) Thanks to that friggin' store that is not to be mentioned. It begins with a W and ends with know the one.
Well, I am going to shut up now and put away all the clean dishes my MIL so lovingly washed for me while I was working yesterday. May all the Gods rain down blessings upon her! =)
Later y'all!

*Fabric score* ah yeah...

During our trip to Amarillo, TX on Saturday we stopped at Hobby Lobby to get some fabric. *!!!* I have a couple of special orders for some tote/diaper bags and I needed some fabric to go with the stuff I already had. They have an awesome clearance and remenant section! Man, I was in heaven! I found everything I needed in the remenant bin and plus a little more..tee hee! Here's a sample:

Just the polka dot here. The other stuff I already had.

Wacky fabric award goes to...

What in the hell am I going to do with 3 yards of this?! I figure some handbags. If anyone is reading this please leave me some ideas in the comment section.

Heck, just leave me comments anytime! I feel like such a loser... nobody ever leaves me comments *sniff, sniff* <-[ okay now I'm going to go crawl in a corner and feel sorry for myself...

HAH! YEAH RIGHT!!! =) I've got sewing to do.
Later peoples!

Monday, May 1, 2006

It's raining, it pouring...

Coming home from Amarillo on Saturday we hit some rain. I just love it when you can see the rain falling. Once we came on a wall of rain. It was really second your dry and then the next it's pouring down. neato. Anyhoo, we had fun. I bought a bunch of fabric to make bags. a girlfriend of mine was wanting a diaper bag like mine and then she ordered one for a friend of hers that just had a baby. I'm going to make up several others and put them up on Etsy. Which reminds me that I NEED to photograph my other pots and get them up, too. Hopefully my friend will spread the word and I can sell some bags. She is one of those people that has tons of friends so it could work to my advantage if she drops my name here and there! teehee =) I need to get a move more later!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Cliffhanger... You are correct sir!

I can't believe how true this is! You have to try it!

I am a cliff hanger!
Find your own pose!

Thursday, April 20, 2006


My new project!
Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.
Well, I conned my mom out of this carving she started several years ago. Actually she was in highschool! I didn't really con her. I just asked what she was going to do with it and she said "nothing" so I asked if I could have it and she said "yes". Yea for me! I was remembering it to be a little more finished that it is but I have started carving little bits here and there. I haven't done any woodcarving that I can recall so I'm a bit trepidatious as I don't want to screw it up! Heh... Anyhoo, I think I may stain it a little darker and add hooks to hang it. I want it on my living room wall. I just think it's so neat to think of my mom at 15 or 16 carving on this. Sort of gives a tingle in the fingers if ya know what I mean. Does anyone? Or am I just weird. Probably the latter. oh well. The original pencil markings are still there after almost 40 years that is cool, too. I just had to post this real quick. I need to straighten up the livingroom badly. Ever since we got home on Monday it has looked like a bomb filled with toddler toys went off. Must. find. bigger. container. okie doke, I'm off. Have a lovely evening. I am going to try not to get back on this computer today. Or sit down with my sudoku puzzle book. I can't get enough. Yet, everytime I sit down with that stupid book and a pencil (oh yeah I need a pencil, I don't even try to use a pen) I know I need to get off my lazy ass and do SOMETHING but it just calls to me..."heather... you must sit down and waste an entire hour...doing these puzzles that are never ending...when you really should be changing that stinky diaper and washing the moldy dishes(just kidding, I promise =])..."

Alright! enough already...I'm outta here!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

On the Bunny Train

On the Bunny Train
Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.
Me and Mr. C on the little train in Pratt, KS. They had it running for Easter weekend and we were in the first group to ride. My sister and her kids are in front of us and Meghan is up there, too. She's too cool to be seen with her mother apparently.

We got back from my mom's last night and boy am I tired! Whew. A long weekend with 5 kids and 4 grown-ups in a 2 bedroom house was a little cramped...but fun! The cousins played well together with a very small amount of fighting. The two babies were so cute. They were huggin' and playin' and well, they kept knocking each other over and at times laying on each others heads. But they were having fun (for the most part)!

Easter Sunday was a little hard on all of us. It was the first without Grandad. Me and Mom hated leaving Grandma alone. We were the last to leave her apartment and I was imagining her going back inside with the house being quiet and empty. It made me sad. I have more pictures that I'll post in a little bit.

Monday, April 10, 2006

50's tumblers

50's tumblers
Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.
Had a great thrift shopping adventure awhile back. I found these great glasses. These are so groovy. They are glass but have this rubbery splattery paint stuff on the outside. These were made with kid-ness in mind, I do believe. The tag read 50's tumblers. Coolness! I also found a cool chair that I am going to refinish and a cute book about clay for kids. I'll post a little more later. I need to do some housework. Whoo hoo!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Good times

Goodness, I have been away from blogging for awhile! Shame on me! I have been thinking of all kinds of things to write about, honest! I just forget about it and go off on my merry way. Anyhoo, part of the problem is flickr...I'm addicted! Love looking at other peoples artwork and such. I have also been trying to reorganize my craft area. We had my fabric shelf in front of a window which is a major no-no. So we moved things around a bit and I was able to move it against a wall. BTW, Gene and I share our "hobby" room. One side is guitar equipment and the other is my stuff. Although, guitar paraphernalia always ends up on MY side! Hmphf! I don't put my stuff over on his amps or hang stuff from his guitar racks or stack fabric on his shelves, oh no... Ah well, at least I have a big space to do my thang. OH! and I set up a shop on etsy! I don't have anything there yet but I am going to add some pottery here pretty quick. I need to crack the whip and chain myself to the sewing machine to make some stuff for the shop, too. With spring springing I have ideas for some bags and accessories.

I was even invited to be a part of Art recipes. A lot of other artists were asked as well but I still was flattered that they would want me to contribute! Coolness!

We had a really nice snow the other day. The first we've had all winter! It snowed a little last year but not enough to make a snowman and snow angels. It was so long ago I really don't remember. Conner got his first taste of playing in the snow though. I was a little worried about what to do for shoes for him. Cover his with plastic sacks... Then I remembered my wonderful sister, Stephanie, gave me some of her boys' snow boots. YES! The smallest size was a 7 and Conner is a 5 but they fit really well and he was able to walk easily so I was glad he could share in the fun. We bundled up and I, with camera in tote, went out with them to play. Meghan and I made a snowman. Conner and I ate icicles. Rocky ran around the yard at full tilt. I, on the other hand, did not! Conner fell every three steps or so put he didn't care! This was just all to cool. He did not want to go back inside but he trudged back in pink cheeked and wet bottomed and after he got dry and warm he took a long nap. Good times!

For some reason I cannot get pictures to post so will try later!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Come home soon

Come home soon
Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.
Painting I made the other day to frame and hang in the living room. I think it turned out well. It is done in
acrylic on linen textured paper (9" x 12") I was going through some blogs and saw a collage with a big bird in it and I thought of this image. I think it was on this blog.

You can see the loverly yellow wall in the background. This is actually my hallway. The livingroom will be green. I feel like I haven't done a whole lot this week. I have been on the computer way too much. I tell you what, that darn flickr is addictive! I go there everyday and love looking through all the pictures. It gives inspiration and now I need to get off my ass and do something with it. I have had several comments on my work and that is so exciting!

Well, speaking of being on the computer too much I really need to get off and do something else!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Must see movie!

I received the Wal-mart movie on Saturday and Gene and watched it that night. I tell you what I was moved to tears one moment and enraged the next. We have decided that we will no longer shop in their stores including Sam's. This movie was a real eye opener. I never really liked Wal-Mart anyway and this adds fuel to the fire. The way they come in and take over and make smaller business close and take advantage of their employees. Not to mention the working conditions of the people that make all the things stocking the shelves of the stores. We may have to pay a bit more here and there but it is worth it to us. I recommend this movie to everyone. Order it online if you don't have anywhere that is showing it and pass it on when you are through. That's what we are doing. I have a friend that works kind of high up at our local Wal-mart and I would love for her to watch it but I know she would take offense. I feel that they have brainwashed her to the point where she would defend their corporation to any extent. It's just ignorant! It makes me so angry! GRRRR! Whew! must.calm.down.

The weather yesterday was so crazy! We had winds close to 60 mph!

here's a shot of the hazy sky over our house.This is from the backyard. The sky had a browner tint to it that the camera didn't really pick up.The sky had a brown haze over it and there were grass fires and South of us in TX they had bad fires that burned towns and people were killed. Goodness I hope it doesn't reach us.

I have to go cook supper now. So more later!

Thursday, March 9, 2006

New Icon

Well, I took the old icon I found on Yahoo and came up with my own interpretation. I can't for the life of me find the other image again and I have been a little worried about copyright and such. I think I'd like to use this for my labels. I am going to make a cleaner copy so I can Gocco it. (Whoo hoo!)

Got some paint yesterday for the hall and livingroom. Meghan and Gene don't really like it (green for the living room and yellow for the hallway). I think it will be very pretty once I get it all painted. I painted a couple of splotches on the walls to see how it would look. I like it! I spent my birthday money on it too. But if it looks totally crappy it's only paint and we can paint over it... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Wal-Mart is evil

I was reading a post on this blog and she talked about a movie about Wal-Mart. It is anti-walmart actually as am I. Pretty much everyone here in Liberal dispises that store. So many of the cute little shops we had are closed up and we only have one other grocery store! Yeah! Liberal has over 20,000 inhabitants not including the small little towns around us. Sheesh! It really shows you how much power they have. I ordered the video which you can too here. I am anxious to see it and I am sure it will make me that much more disgusted at them.

Anyhoo, getting ready to go play with my new Gocco machine. I was also very delighted to see a couple of people commented on my pottery over at flickr. That just made my day, I tell you! I am so over critical of anything I do and it just made my heart pitter-patter to see that other potters liked MY stuff. WOW! Well, I better go get after it. Had to take Gene's mom to the eye doctor today and haven't gotten anything done around this joint.

Saturday, March 4, 2006

Gocco has arrived!

I got my shiny new Print Gocco today! Yeah!!! I'm very excited to start playing with it. It is actually not brand new. I got it off of eBay. EBay is so great! Anything you could possibly want! Anyhoo, it's not "new" but never been used and all of the stuff is there. The previous owner cut one design out of the sample sheet and opened a couple of inks but that is pretty much it. It also came with the stamp for fabric kit. Gene wasn't to sure how it all worked so he wanted to watch me make a master. Now I must decide on what to make first!

Well, it's kinda late and I'm pooped. We cleaned the garage out today. (see...I told ya we would) It was so windy today crap was blowing everywhere but I found my book on drawing the human form finally. It was buried under a bunch of boxes. Go figure! Anyway, I can get to my clay and most of my tables are cleared off they need a good cleaning as does my wheel. I have a big old wooden table that is very scarred and dinged up but it is really sturdy and I love it. I got it from the junior college here in town. I took a few semesters of their ceramics course and the instructor was moving and it was his table and he said I could have it if I wanted it and I was like, "hell yeah!" Anyway, I was really pissed off because as we uncovered it from all the crap that was on it I found all these greasy stains. Well, apparently my husband placed his dirty, oily rags on my beautiful old wooden table after he changed the oil on his frickin' motorcycle. Can you believe dat? Man, I was mad. Of course he was like oh we can get another piece of plywood and screw it to the top. Well, it's just not the same dammit!

I really need to go to bed now as it is 12:30 AM. Nitey-nite!

Thursday, March 2, 2006


Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.

Yes, as I mentioned before I make pots. Or I used to...I haven't in a long time as I spoke about in the previous post. Here is a vase I did a few years ago. It's one of my faves. I really like the color combination. All of these pots were thrown on a wheel.

If it's nice this weekend Gene said we will clean out the garage. Oh yes, I think we will even if it's crappy!

Here's a close up of the rim. the glazes inside and out reacted and made some cool runs and coloration.

this is one of several planters i made

here's the bottomand inside

Jar with a sea theme. I sculpted the fish for the handle. after the pot was thrown and still wet I pressed seashells into the surface and did a little scraffito.

Monday, February 27, 2006


Well, we got home from Mom and Dad's in one piece. Conner was screaming for the last 20 minutes of the trip. Meghan never did that! She always slept through the whole trip when she was a baby. Oh well, another thing to put on the list of how my children are polar opposites.

I think I am going to have to clean house today. I don't know what happens...We leave the house straightened up and then when we come home it explodes. Mess everywhere. I don't get it. Laundry is going now and I am smelling the coffee I made like 2 hours ago and have yet to get a cup. Must go now!

1 minute later...

Ahhh...that's muuuuch, cream, mother's milk...all is good in the world again!

I added some more pics to flickr, Steph, if you are reading this. It's Conner in Mom's sink. He kept lifting up his foot to let the water run over it. So cute! Here's one:

He's really too big for the sink but I really didn't feel like leaning over the tub.

I had other things to write about but now I can't remember.

I am going to take some pictures of my pottery and drawings to post later so I can show that yes I can make pots! because ya know how it says in my bio that I want to open a pottery studio? yes, that's true and trust me I really miss it and I still want to do this. (I remember what I was going to say now.) I went into my garage to find a book about drawing the human form (which I still cannot find and it's really upsetting me). My "studio" is out there and well, you wouldn't know it because there are boxes everywhere. holding things like Christmas decorations waiting to go to the attic, tons of too small clothes for garage sales (then on to the thrift store if they don't sell), Gene's motorcycle and various tools for changing it's oil, uhhh...and trash. So I can't even get to my clay. I found a little piece of dried clay last night during my book search and was rubbing it between my fingers and I almost started crying! I just felt this overwhelming sadness... Just thinking about it again is making me all teary... (*shivers*) Anyhoo, the weather is supposed to be absolutely gorgeous this week so one of my main projects is clean out the @#%*& garage! I have had enough!

I need to go start in on the house first. laundry. dishes. bathroom. I must not sit down at the computer again until it is finished!

Okay, later ya'll!

Friday, February 24, 2006


Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.
Here's my Wee that I made with Hilary Lang's pattern from her website. I thought she turned out pretty. The fabric is from some that Grandma gave me and the lace trim is vintage. I even herringbone stitched around the face. I thought that looked pretty cool, too. But what a cute pattern! It was really easy and Meghan loves it. She sleeps with her! It's all stuffing. I didn't have any beads or dried beans so she all soft and scushie. I can't find the pattern I printed out for the Pointy Kitty so I need to do that again and I want to make the Wee Bunny for Easter when that pattern comes up. I may just wing it and alter the wee pattern.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Oh my sweet Gocco

Oh yes...Soon I will be submerged in all the Gocco-ness.

My sweet husband let me bid on a Print Gocco on eBay for my birthday present and I won! YESSS!!! I won't get it for awhile since I had to mail a money order. I can't wait though. I already have ideas swimming in my little head for labels and tags for the stuff I'm making and prints, stuff for t-shirts, and, and, and... I'm really excited if you can't tell! I have been wanting one of these for a long time and while I was looking up prices for pre-printed tags and custom order tags and labels I about choked. I really didn't think they would be THAT expensive. But, I guess that shows how naive I am. Then I found a place where someone was talking about making their own with their Gocco. I can't remember the link or where I found it. I know...I'm an idiot! BUT, anyhoo, it got me to thinkin' that was a pretty good idea and should a bit more cost effective. Hopefully I can stock up on supplies before they discontinue that too.

In other areas of craftiness, I am taking on the task of reorganizing my fabric stash. It is rather immense and I have already found several lovely fabrics that I had completely forgotten about that were submerged in all the muck.

I figure if I really want to start making stuff to sell I need to organize a lot better. I started a list of different products and lines I'd like to make. This has made me quite excited and looking forward to more development in this area. Whoo hoo! Go me! Because I am about the least organized person in the world, well, aside from the US government...ha ha just kidding. Like I've always said "Hey, at least I have the FREEDOM to say what I want, right!" Well, anyway, that's for another time. I'm getting off the subject. I happen to be Queen Procrastination, The Duchess of Late, the Lady of L-A-Z-Y. Especially when it come to making and selling my own stuff. In a rare bearing of the soul moment here, I get so scared about it. I'm so afraid that no one will like it or buy it. It means so much to me and I'm so afraid to get my heart broken or to get any kind of rejection. I asked Gene once when he asked me why I was so afraid to sell my stuff and so oblivious to the fact that it is good and people would buy it if he ever had something that meant so much to him and was so much a part of him that he was frightened to let it go out into the world and if it felt sort of ripped away? Like a part of you being ripped away...not a little unlike childbirth. He didn't. Also, it is just really hard for me to part with the stuff I make. I become really attatched and end up not wanting to part with any of it. I have so many of my pots, vases, and bowls around the house you'd think I was a collector. I kind of am, of other peoples work, but not necessarily my own. That is something I must get over, and quickly, I'm thinkin'. Whew...that felt kinda good to get out.

Speaking of being lazy...I really need to get off this computer and do some work around this joint.


Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Rev

Gene went and saw these guys Wednesday night in Lubbock, TX. The bum! I had to do the whole staying home with the kids thing...sheez. he he... He had a great time and said they were really awesome. I really wish I could have seen them too. I love their music and Gene said they were really fun. The guy that was standing next to him took pictures and posted them to thier web ite. Here's a particularly good one of the Rev.
. We thought it was pretty cool that the guy posting the pictures was actually standing right next to Gene. So, these pictures are pretty accurate to where Gene was situated at the club. They were very close to the stage, by the way. I'm so jealous. At least he bought me a t-shirt!

Friday, February 17, 2006

DSQ oven mit

DSQ oven mit
Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.
This is the oven mit I made from Denyse Schmidts Quilts book. I love the way it turned out and it matches my kitchen curtains! I had some leftover fabric and put it to good use.

Buddy Guy doll

Buddy Guy doll
Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.

Wow I can't believe I finally finished him! I have been working on this off and on for several weeks. He is all my own original design. I made the pattern out of newspaper and traced a toy guitar of Conner's to make his Fender Strat. I even handpainted the Fender logo on the headstock! The fretboard, headstock, and pickups are all handpainted. I just didn't have the gumption to embroider all that. Eyes are made from felt and buttons the rest is embridered. His cocky hat is felt.

The clothes I just sort of winged and I really can't believe that they fit! I originally made this for Conner as a toy as he loves blues music and especially Buddy Guy. It really has turned out to me more of a display piece, though. I don't think he (or my hand stitching) could hold up to a 1 year old!

I do really like how Buddy turned out. I guess I am even more proud of the fact that I came up with the design all by myself. This is something I haven't done before (other than tote bags and such). Some additional photos are below and you can always check out Flickr. There are some more views there.

Here is a picture of the real Buddy Guy. Yes I know, there isn't much of a resemblence. he has a black and White polka-dot guitar. Gene thought he had a red and white one too. I only had red and white polka-dot fabric so I used it instead of trying to brave Wal-mart. In looking for a picture with this color guitar I had no luck. Oh well, it's the thought that counts, right?

Lady in Blue

Lady in Blue
Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.
Meghan, in her "I want to be an artist" mood last night made this and I thought it was so good.

Yellow Girl

Yellow Girl
Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.
A drawing by Meghan. She had a whole story about this picture. It is a girl going to bed. She has a patchwork quilt on her bed and the window above the bed is broken.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine sweetness

Valentine's day is here again and it really snuck up on me this year. I am totally unprepared but I have some sweet treaties here for your viewing pleasure.

Gene bought me a beautiful watch (which I am now wearing) and it was all wrapped up in beautiful paper he made himself! Eek! How sweet is that! I was so very careful not to rip the paper 'cause I must save it!

Here are some wrapped up chocolates for Miss Meggie and a "spin the bottle" button for Gene and I...erm...later... he he.
I want to make a little teddy for Conner out of the heart-y flannel. I better get on it!

And I just loved the picture on the card of the little birdies on the ferris wheel. I think the seats look like little "L's" for LOVE!

Ahh...I feel so loved...