Monday, June 5, 2006

summa summa summa tiimme

Remember that song by Will Smith? Well, it's that time again around here. Technically it's still spring but around these parts it's SUMMER!!! Friggin' 100 degree temps. Supposed to be 101 today. Who. pee.

Along with spring comes garage sales! Oh yes I love them. We had one this last Saturday and it wnet really well. We had sooo much stuff. Mostly clothes. I wanted to keep everything from last years so we could have one this year... Not this time. oh no... We just got done donating everything a little while ago. It feels SO good to get all that out of my house! It was spilling out from the attic into just about every room. Our bedroom mostly. Now I get to clean it up and make it resemble a bedroom again instead of an attic! Plus my husband was about to pull the rest of his very minimal hair out! He threatened to pitch it all on several occasions. Whew! It was a nice day too. WINDY but nice. I think the wind helped it from being to terribly hot. We did most of our business before we were technically open, which was fine with me! We didn't make a huge wad of cash because we had everything really cheap to get rid of it. I'm saving it all up for our trip to Kansas City. My brother and his wife have invited us up for the weekend before the 4th. Gonna take Meghan to Worlds of Fun for the first time. I have to say that I'm really excited. My S-I-L was telling me about a really awesome fabris store that she wanted to take me to. I hope we will still have time!

Meghan is starting a Summer Adventure program with the Parks and Rec Dept. Today is the first day and the reason that I actually have time to blog! Whoo hoo! Generally she is standing over my shoulder wanting me to go to the Worlds of Fun website...hence, I have not been able to catch up on reading all the blogs I used to read everyday let alone post anything in my own!!!

I have done some sewing. I've been making some tote bags and I got a few more pottery items added to my etsy shop. I hope they will sell. THAT would be totally awesome! Oh and speaking of pottery... now that we have gotten rid of all our excesses I will be able to get to my pottery wheel and clay! YES! I'm really excited about this.

Well, while Conner is napping and Meghan is off having fun I'm going to have a little fun of my own. TO the sewing room I go. I tried the printing ribbon labels through my printer and want to see how they will hold up to washing. If it works I will be so happy. I haven't tried the iron on transfer yet. So off I go!


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