Monday, March 29, 2010


Alright, get your minds out of the gutter!

Okay, two things:
1. Going to meet with the Nursing Program Director tomorrow morning.
2. More pattern testing for Colette Patterns! Oh, you're all gonna luuuv it! Mwuhahahaaaa....


UPDATE: Meeting went really well. I think it's going to take me a little longer to get through it all than I had originally planned but that's okay. it's just the way the program works and I just don't want to be a full time student right now with Conner being so young. It'll all work out in the end!

Thank you guys so much for all your supportive comments!! Y'all are the best!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Getting Organized...

...and then getting sidetracked! Ahhh...the story of my life! Well, anyhoo, last weekend I decided it was high time I get my shit together and start organizing my fabric and pattern stash. I have a shelf with some (okay, who are we kidding here? I have shelves!) of my fabrics and it always looks a mess. No matter how many times I fold and refold and try to be carefull getting stuff out it all just falls into a damn mess. Awhile back a blog featured a free download to print out your very own fabric wraps. I cannot for the life of me remember where they came from so if you know PLEASE tell me! Ack! That drives me nuts.... So anyway, I got through the messiest shelves. They being the messiest because they contained most of my smaller pieces of fabric from when I was making purses and totes. There was some seriously cute fabric in there that I totally forgot I had! I'm now using those shelves for the awesome pattern boxes my Mom and Dad gave me for Christmas.

Here's where I am so far. And, YES, all of those pattern boxes are FULL!
I have an illness. Leave me alone.

Nice, neat little bundles!
This is next! Eeeek!
Geesh, that is seriously messy! I'm almost too embarrased to post those pics. Egads!

Now on to the reason for my sidetrackedive-ness (yes, that's a word). My li'l guy is growing. He is growing out of his clothes... and his undies! Those size 4 Spongebob's just aren't cuttin' it anymore. Whilst straightening book shelves I came across the undies pattern from That Darn Cat that I bought forever ago and never used. I needed a break from organizing so I thought I'd make up a pair. See what's what. Seriously, this is A Darn Cute Pattern. It's awesome. You can use small bits of fabric and no elastic is involved. The first pair I made promptly went on Little Mister's behind. He loved 'em. In his own words, "I really like my new underwear pants!" When asked if mommy should make him more he exclaimed, "Ooh yeah, you can make me lots!!" Alright, that may sound a bit more dramatic than what really went down but still it's pretty much word for word what he said. Cute! And it made me feel good knowing one of my children still appreciates my sewing capabilities. So seven pairs later.... 
he's all stocked up for now. I'm going to make a few more and that should be good. There are only 5 showing as he's wearing one and the other is in the laundry. You can see on the second pair from the right where I messed up the fly. I used my coverstitch machine to attach the binding, which worked ever-so-awesomely, and I fed the fabric through the wrong way. DOH! He hasn't figured out how to use the fly yet so it's not a big deal. Now I'll need to start in on some for the girl. She walked in while I was finishing up a pair and was like, "Gosh, how many pairs are you making him! Where's mine!" Mehmehmeh, whinewhinewhine... Little brat. So....I'll be working on hers later this week. LOL! Yeah, I'm kinda soft.

In other news, I've decided to go back to school this Fall! Yes, my 34 year old ass is going to be a student again. I'm super excited and totally nervous. Ultimately, I want to go through the Nursing Program our community college offers and it's a really good one from what I understand. Since Conner starts Kindergarten this Fall I'm just going to take the Gen. Ed. classes needed like Human Anatomy and English Comp. to get those out of the way. Then I'll apply to the program next year. The program takes 2 years and then you can call me Nurse Heather!
I'm not planning on getting all wacked out on drugs, tho. ;-D

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Something For ME

with really bad pictures because I didn't feel like setting up my "tripod" (which is in fact a chair with books, boxes and whatever else to get it the right height).
This is the Ottobre 2/2007 #2. I've made this before and I really like the fit.
Coverstitch Porn! Mmmmmm... 
On the last top I made I didn't do the sleeve as instructed and just did a straight hem. This time I did but I'm not really sure if I did it right. The instructions kinda confused me (not so hard these days!). I think it looks okay even though it's not lined up perfectly. Ah well..... at least it's another piece of clothing for my steadily dwindling wardrobe! Oh, I used Chez Ami fabric...again.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Another Otto outfit....

and a top for me (in the works)!

I finished this up last week for Miz K. I used the same Kamomilla T-shirt and Saimi Sweatpants patterns. I didn't add the cuff to the pants since they were so long anyway and, stupid me, I forgot to gather the front on that damn neckline! Grr! I did make short sleeves for this one and used clear elastic to make the gathers. I then applied the binding over it all. Can I just say here how much I stinkin' love my coverstitch machine? The binder attachment is so frickin' awesome, too! Anyhoo, the little bow is not attached to the top but is a hair bow I made using scraps. All fabric is from Chez Ami!

The top I'm making myself is from Ottobre Woman and is from the famous 2/2007 issue. I think it's design #2, the 3/4 sleeve Tee. I'm using Chez Ami fabric. Shocking, I know. I've made it once before and I wear that top so often it's really worn out now. I may make a few of these with different sleeve variations since I need tops so badly. It's really pitiful when you reach in your closet and realize your husband has more clothing that you do! In defense of that, I did go through my stuff the other day and I took out everything that was faded or stained, which was most of my wardrobe. I really need to make up a SWAP storyboard!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

And the winner is....

Well, before I announce the winner I just wanted to say THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!! for all the birthday wishes. It warmed my heart and made my day!

I'd like to mention that I didn't use the generator because you have to PAY to use it! Sheesh! (I'm broke, remember?) So, anyway, I decided to make up my own random generator and here it is:

Yes, my random generator is still in his jammies (handmade by his grandma!) and being a bit cheesy....

Randomly generating....

Congratulations Kim!!! Her proud moment was winning First Prize for a pair of pants she made her niece. Awesome! Just email me with your address and I'll get it out to you pronto, my dear!

Hopefully, this week will be full of more sewing and maybe I can finally get some patterns up on Etsy! Going through all of them and making sure all the pieces are there is kind of a bitch!

Monday, March 1, 2010

It's my Birthday and I'll give stuff away if i want tooooo...

Good Morning! Today is the last day to sign up for the giveaway. I'll be drawing the name tomorrow morning so really you have until then to enter.

Remember, all I want to know is your most crowning sewing/crafting/etc. achievement! It's open to all my international pals too. I have immensly enjoyed reading everyones' entries! They are all just so great I wish I could give everybody a little present!

Best wishes to you all!