Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Broken bones and training bras

Ok. Well, we've had an interesting coupla weeks around here. Well not that interesting but I thought that sounded like a good opener. First off two Saturdays ago my dear husband broke his foot. So, we spent nearly the whole afternoon in the waiting room of the emergency room. Okay, okay, it was only like 2-3 hours but it sure felt like all day. Come to find out he has what they call a Dancer's Fracture because it is very common amongst dancers and athletes. Apparently, his wasn't too bad so they stuck this ugly little bootie thing on his foot and sent him along his way with instructions to see a Orthopedic surgeon on Monday. Yeah. No temporary cast, no wrapping of an Ace bandage, nothin', nada. And then we find out our crappy insurance won't pay for any of this so we'll have an inflated hospital bill of probably $1200-$1500 with only an ugly little bootie thing to show for it. After a lot of internet research about his foot, Gene pretty much said "F@%k going to a doctor!" and we went to a medical supply place and got him one of those walking boot/cast things that he can take off and on and it is working. It is the same thing the doctor would have put on him anyway. Thank heaven for the 'Net. It only cost $85. I'm sure the doctor would have charged triple that or given him the fancy neumatic one that was $600! Good Lord!

I bet you're wondering about the whole training bra bit. Yeah... well, me too! My sweet little girl turned 9 this summer and with that she's starting to blossom a little bit. She is of the plump persuasion anyway so I thought it would be fun to get her a few of the little training bras that are basically a cropped tank top, you know? She wasn't too sure about them at first and wore them a few times during the end of the summer. She's used to them now and wears one everyday. Okay, that's all fine and good, right? She came home last weekend from spending the night at her Granny's (who lives in town) and apparently she failed to pack a bra or something because when she came home she wasn't wearing one. And the scary fact was I could tell!!! ALRIGHT! I WANT TO KNOW WHO IN HELL TOOK MY BABY GIRL AWAY FORM ME AND TURNED HER INTO A MINI-WOMAN!!! Is it my fault for getting those friggin' baby bras? Did they make her breast GROW? I just want to sit down and cry. I found our video camera awhile ago and finally got it working. We haven't used in forever because Meghan dropped and it made a loud whirring noise whenever we used it. Anyway, that's neither here nor there.... I played some of the tapes and there was my little sweetpea opening her birthday presents from when she turned 2. And Christmas at 2 1/2, singing her ABC's outside in the backyard when she was not yet 3, and a preschool performance. Oh I just cried and cried. I'm crying now just thinking of it! I wish I could rewind time like I did those tapes. I miss her like that so much but I do love the "'tween" she is now and the young woman she is becoming and further more the woman I think she'll be.

I do have a little crafty update. More swappage...Imagine that! I got my handbag in from my Handbag swap partner. Julie was moving at the time of the swap so she e-mailed me and told me it would be late. That was cool of her. It is handknit and felted. Really lovely, but I can't use it as a purse dammit! The way it is constructed it hangs open and all my crap falls out so this fall when I start crocheting and knitting again I'll use it for my projects. I sent off my Flat Stanley for that swap yesterday. He is going to Washington. I can't wait to get mine. I've already got plans for him. Muwhahaahaaaa!

I sent my Letter for me #3 buddy an ATC. Actually, my very first! When she wrote back to me she told me what they were in the first place! Miss Annie you have inspired me.
What else, what else.....I can't think of anything. I do have several more swaps coming up this month so more on those later.

It's almost 9 a.m. and Conner is still in bed so I better go get him up. The lazy bum! Thinks just because he's not even 2 yet he can sleep as long as he wants. ;) Gene says he's about ready to start mowing the lawn. hehehe (he is joking, trust me!)

Have a beautiful day!

sorry no pictures again. I fully intended to have some but for some reason they won't load. I'll try again later!