Thursday, August 24, 2006


Swap mosaic
Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.

Whew! I have seriously needed to update this sucker for awhile! Sorry everyone.

Anyway, as you can see I've had some swap action going on! I think I've said before that I'm hooked and having fun with it! In the photo starting at the top left-hand corner is a letter from Annie in NY. I sent her a letter for the "A letter for me #3" swap and she wrote me back! How wonderful. She is very into Artist Trading Cards (and very good at it) so I asked her to tell me about them 'cause I know very little about them. I didn't even know they exsisted till I joined Swap-bot. Anyway, she sent me a lovely, funny, awesome letter in return and even sent me some of her very own ATC's! Gah! How friggin' cool is she, anyway!?! The next is some beautiful ribbon from Natalie (one of them is not in the photo). She sent along some D-rings to make a couple of belts which was so thoughtful! Ribbon is awesome, BTW. It's the good stuff! and moving on...stickers from Ella. Very cute! I love the little fishy. He's made of foam so he's poofy. I love the poof... She also sent me way more than the required amount which is totally cool. I try to do that in all my swaps 'cause I like to make people smile and extra goodies always make me smile! =D Also, surprises ROCK! Next, at the beginning of the next row is more ribbon swappage. It's from Mari in Finland. Again, some really awesome stuff...some even vintage. *!* (whispers)i love vintage....There was vintage buttons and a little wooden gamepiece. The envelope she made by folding what looks like a very thick magazine page and taping it. I love it! Must try it... the little note card is handmade too and very pretty! The card from Lesly was from my very first swap "A letter for me #2" (I missed #1). The card is so cute and a very nice letter indeed! The last picture is actually what I'm sending my buddy for the "Fall Fabric & Trim Swap". Unfortunatly, I am missing a few pictures. =( I received an awesome package of stickers from Sasha and I can't find it as I'm reorganizing my sewing stuff. She sent an envelope chock full of scrapbookin' stickers and others, too. So sweet! Remember, I love me some surprises! And the other two are letters from "A letter for me #3 & #4" swaps. They're in my craft stuff, I promise. Both letters were amazing! Both ladies were so friendly it gives me hope for the world! Thank you, Natalie B. and Jennifer!
Have a good day everyone!

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Last minute everything!

Well we seem to be doing everything in the last minutes before school starts. We were gone over the weekend to do some school shopping and stayed at my mom and dad's since they are close to Wichita. Meghan is staying there for the week and we will be going back there on Wednesday. We have a "thing" to go to Thurs. and Fri. Gene was eligible for "Admiral's Club" with his job. This basically means he sold enough life insurance during a previous period and is being acknowledged by getting to go to this special meeting. It's actually pretty cool. I'm going with him and on Thursday night we are having a Murder Mystery Dinner and everyone has a "part". Gene is Louis Armstrong and I'm Karen Carpenter. We are going to have fun with it though. They said for us to go all out for it and Gene is borrowing a trumpet from a buddy and I am working on a costume. I just need some bell bottoms or something as I have a top that should work. It'll be a stretch 'cause Karen was really small and petite and well, I'm so very not! Anyhoo, it should be fun.

I got a lovely letter from my "A letter for me #3" swap partner yesterday. Miz Natalie is from the U.K. which was so cool to me and it seems as though we have quite a bit in common. So, I promptly wrote her a 5 or 6 page letter and got it to the post office today. It only cost 85 cents! Cool! I'm having too much fun with these swaps, I tell ya. I went to Craftster and had a look at their swaps and it just looks too complicated! Too many rules although, I understand the reasoning! I really must get going though. I have lots of laundry to catch up on before we leave again! I'll be staying at my Mom's for a few days after we get done with the meetings since my sister and her kids will be there too! Wow! 5 kids under one roof? Eeeek!

Later ya'll!