Monday, February 27, 2006


Well, we got home from Mom and Dad's in one piece. Conner was screaming for the last 20 minutes of the trip. Meghan never did that! She always slept through the whole trip when she was a baby. Oh well, another thing to put on the list of how my children are polar opposites.

I think I am going to have to clean house today. I don't know what happens...We leave the house straightened up and then when we come home it explodes. Mess everywhere. I don't get it. Laundry is going now and I am smelling the coffee I made like 2 hours ago and have yet to get a cup. Must go now!

1 minute later...

Ahhh...that's muuuuch, cream, mother's milk...all is good in the world again!

I added some more pics to flickr, Steph, if you are reading this. It's Conner in Mom's sink. He kept lifting up his foot to let the water run over it. So cute! Here's one:

He's really too big for the sink but I really didn't feel like leaning over the tub.

I had other things to write about but now I can't remember.

I am going to take some pictures of my pottery and drawings to post later so I can show that yes I can make pots! because ya know how it says in my bio that I want to open a pottery studio? yes, that's true and trust me I really miss it and I still want to do this. (I remember what I was going to say now.) I went into my garage to find a book about drawing the human form (which I still cannot find and it's really upsetting me). My "studio" is out there and well, you wouldn't know it because there are boxes everywhere. holding things like Christmas decorations waiting to go to the attic, tons of too small clothes for garage sales (then on to the thrift store if they don't sell), Gene's motorcycle and various tools for changing it's oil, uhhh...and trash. So I can't even get to my clay. I found a little piece of dried clay last night during my book search and was rubbing it between my fingers and I almost started crying! I just felt this overwhelming sadness... Just thinking about it again is making me all teary... (*shivers*) Anyhoo, the weather is supposed to be absolutely gorgeous this week so one of my main projects is clean out the @#%*& garage! I have had enough!

I need to go start in on the house first. laundry. dishes. bathroom. I must not sit down at the computer again until it is finished!

Okay, later ya'll!

Friday, February 24, 2006


Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.
Here's my Wee that I made with Hilary Lang's pattern from her website. I thought she turned out pretty. The fabric is from some that Grandma gave me and the lace trim is vintage. I even herringbone stitched around the face. I thought that looked pretty cool, too. But what a cute pattern! It was really easy and Meghan loves it. She sleeps with her! It's all stuffing. I didn't have any beads or dried beans so she all soft and scushie. I can't find the pattern I printed out for the Pointy Kitty so I need to do that again and I want to make the Wee Bunny for Easter when that pattern comes up. I may just wing it and alter the wee pattern.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Oh my sweet Gocco

Oh yes...Soon I will be submerged in all the Gocco-ness.

My sweet husband let me bid on a Print Gocco on eBay for my birthday present and I won! YESSS!!! I won't get it for awhile since I had to mail a money order. I can't wait though. I already have ideas swimming in my little head for labels and tags for the stuff I'm making and prints, stuff for t-shirts, and, and, and... I'm really excited if you can't tell! I have been wanting one of these for a long time and while I was looking up prices for pre-printed tags and custom order tags and labels I about choked. I really didn't think they would be THAT expensive. But, I guess that shows how naive I am. Then I found a place where someone was talking about making their own with their Gocco. I can't remember the link or where I found it. I know...I'm an idiot! BUT, anyhoo, it got me to thinkin' that was a pretty good idea and should a bit more cost effective. Hopefully I can stock up on supplies before they discontinue that too.

In other areas of craftiness, I am taking on the task of reorganizing my fabric stash. It is rather immense and I have already found several lovely fabrics that I had completely forgotten about that were submerged in all the muck.

I figure if I really want to start making stuff to sell I need to organize a lot better. I started a list of different products and lines I'd like to make. This has made me quite excited and looking forward to more development in this area. Whoo hoo! Go me! Because I am about the least organized person in the world, well, aside from the US government...ha ha just kidding. Like I've always said "Hey, at least I have the FREEDOM to say what I want, right!" Well, anyway, that's for another time. I'm getting off the subject. I happen to be Queen Procrastination, The Duchess of Late, the Lady of L-A-Z-Y. Especially when it come to making and selling my own stuff. In a rare bearing of the soul moment here, I get so scared about it. I'm so afraid that no one will like it or buy it. It means so much to me and I'm so afraid to get my heart broken or to get any kind of rejection. I asked Gene once when he asked me why I was so afraid to sell my stuff and so oblivious to the fact that it is good and people would buy it if he ever had something that meant so much to him and was so much a part of him that he was frightened to let it go out into the world and if it felt sort of ripped away? Like a part of you being ripped away...not a little unlike childbirth. He didn't. Also, it is just really hard for me to part with the stuff I make. I become really attatched and end up not wanting to part with any of it. I have so many of my pots, vases, and bowls around the house you'd think I was a collector. I kind of am, of other peoples work, but not necessarily my own. That is something I must get over, and quickly, I'm thinkin'. Whew...that felt kinda good to get out.

Speaking of being lazy...I really need to get off this computer and do some work around this joint.


Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Rev

Gene went and saw these guys Wednesday night in Lubbock, TX. The bum! I had to do the whole staying home with the kids thing...sheez. he he... He had a great time and said they were really awesome. I really wish I could have seen them too. I love their music and Gene said they were really fun. The guy that was standing next to him took pictures and posted them to thier web ite. Here's a particularly good one of the Rev.
. We thought it was pretty cool that the guy posting the pictures was actually standing right next to Gene. So, these pictures are pretty accurate to where Gene was situated at the club. They were very close to the stage, by the way. I'm so jealous. At least he bought me a t-shirt!

Friday, February 17, 2006

DSQ oven mit

DSQ oven mit
Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.
This is the oven mit I made from Denyse Schmidts Quilts book. I love the way it turned out and it matches my kitchen curtains! I had some leftover fabric and put it to good use.

Buddy Guy doll

Buddy Guy doll
Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.

Wow I can't believe I finally finished him! I have been working on this off and on for several weeks. He is all my own original design. I made the pattern out of newspaper and traced a toy guitar of Conner's to make his Fender Strat. I even handpainted the Fender logo on the headstock! The fretboard, headstock, and pickups are all handpainted. I just didn't have the gumption to embroider all that. Eyes are made from felt and buttons the rest is embridered. His cocky hat is felt.

The clothes I just sort of winged and I really can't believe that they fit! I originally made this for Conner as a toy as he loves blues music and especially Buddy Guy. It really has turned out to me more of a display piece, though. I don't think he (or my hand stitching) could hold up to a 1 year old!

I do really like how Buddy turned out. I guess I am even more proud of the fact that I came up with the design all by myself. This is something I haven't done before (other than tote bags and such). Some additional photos are below and you can always check out Flickr. There are some more views there.

Here is a picture of the real Buddy Guy. Yes I know, there isn't much of a resemblence. he has a black and White polka-dot guitar. Gene thought he had a red and white one too. I only had red and white polka-dot fabric so I used it instead of trying to brave Wal-mart. In looking for a picture with this color guitar I had no luck. Oh well, it's the thought that counts, right?

Lady in Blue

Lady in Blue
Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.
Meghan, in her "I want to be an artist" mood last night made this and I thought it was so good.

Yellow Girl

Yellow Girl
Originally uploaded by li'l miss muffett.
A drawing by Meghan. She had a whole story about this picture. It is a girl going to bed. She has a patchwork quilt on her bed and the window above the bed is broken.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine sweetness

Valentine's day is here again and it really snuck up on me this year. I am totally unprepared but I have some sweet treaties here for your viewing pleasure.

Gene bought me a beautiful watch (which I am now wearing) and it was all wrapped up in beautiful paper he made himself! Eek! How sweet is that! I was so very careful not to rip the paper 'cause I must save it!

Here are some wrapped up chocolates for Miss Meggie and a "spin the bottle" button for Gene and I...erm...later... he he.
I want to make a little teddy for Conner out of the heart-y flannel. I better get on it!

And I just loved the picture on the card of the little birdies on the ferris wheel. I think the seats look like little "L's" for LOVE!

Ahh...I feel so loved...

Monday, February 13, 2006

Mama's got a brand new bag

I finished this up last night. I needed a bag to carry as a purse/diaperbag and I think this will fit the bill. I made up some pockets with elastic to hold sippy cups and other miscellany.

I think it turned out pretty good and since I used upholstery fabric and some super-stiff interfacing it is very sturdy.

The original handles were way too long so I did have to undo the lining, go back through and tear out part of the seam holding the straps. But it went smoothly and I didn't screw it up considering I was tired and it was 11PM! I had to cut off like 10 inches from both straps!
Geesh...I don't know what I was thinking when I made them suckers!

Oh well, I like it very much and will be transferring all my crap out of my purse and into this bad boy shortly!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Miss Muffett

I found this very groovy imagine of Little Miss Muffett and her spider friend. Looks like she doesn't want to share her curds and whey!

Friday, February 10, 2006

10 lbs down...

Whoo hoo! Oh yes I have lost 10 whole pounds! And I'm not going to mention how many more I have to go 'cause that will completely depress me. Well, not really... If you have ever been in the situation where you have lost weight and your tighty-tight-tight clothes that used to be loose are starting to ease up, you can vouch for that amazing feeling of accomplishment! Part of that, I know, is my breasts are starting to get smaller now that Conner is weaned (sniff sniff) I do miss nursing though :-( But, man, do they get biggie-big when I'm nursing. They did the same with Meghan. But this time I got up to a J cup. Oh yes, I just said "J CUP"!!! Yeah, they could compete with Pamela Anderson's. Of course I'm not rail thin and look as if I will topple over from the shear weight of them. Well, enough boob talk. I was just so excited to see the scale was going down. I even made sure there were no toys around it to throw it off. One time there was one of Conner's Mega Bloks under the edge of the scale and it said I weighed 30 lbs less. I wish! I'm looking forward to the weather warming up, too. We enjoy family walks through the neighborhoods. It's too frickin' cold right now.

Well, I'm glad it's almost the weekend. I do have to work today. Meghan's school carnival is tomorrow night. I have to work for a half hour. Whoopie! Oh, it's actually kinda fun. The kids really have a blast and it's inside a building so you can just let them free to run and cavort.

I must go get ready to go to work. Have a good day!

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

DSQ slippers!

Well, I haven't posted what I have been making in awhile. These slippers come from Denyse Schmidts Quilts book I have. I think I want to make everthing in that book! I don't think our copier can quite enlarge the patterns to what they need to be so they ended up a bit short. I didn't have any vinyl either and used some heavy upolstery fabric and they are too floppy. But I think they are cute. I made the oven mitt too and it's cute and was so easy! I know what I'm makin' for Christmas gifts fer sure, man!

Well, I read the other day where one of my favorite craftblogs is shuttin' 'er down. Little Birds will soon be no more (boo hoo sniff). I always love her beautiful pictures and the colors she uses for...well, everything... are, like, always so perfect! What great style and not to mention the beautiful things she makes. I will certainly be heading over to for some Little Bird action! Her sister Lisa has promised updates so we'll hold her to it...hehehe!

One thing I have noticed is so much Japanese craft. I love it! I can't get enough of it! It's so darn CUTE! I know I will not be able to find any of these books locally but I. must. have. I will just have to order. Another book that I'm thinkin' I must have was on Posie's blog. I love fabric, too. Any kind, every kind, especially vintage and repros. Oooh yesss. I really can't get enough. When I told the quilt shop lady that I liked 30's repros she looked sideways at me and said "REALLY, you do?!" Uh... yeah, duh! (no, I didn't say that to her!)

Well, time so sign off and go do my motherly duties. Oh yes, they have to do with diapers. It's gotta be bad when you can smell your child from across the room. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Mr. Hat

This little guy just loves hats! He leaves them all over the house...ahem...for me to pick up. But if he finds one on it goes. Bowls and boxes serve just as well. It's so sweet.

Well, in other news, I think my husband has found a nice lady to hire down at the office. Yeaaaa! I'm looking forward to not working there anymore. it just really sucks. Well, not as bad as it used to but but we just don't always get along if you know what I mean... I'm also kinda thinking of starting an shop. I've got tons of fabric and would love to make bags and maybe little quilts and stuffeds, etc. I'm making a Buddy Guy doll for Conner at the moment I need to finish his eyes and make a guitar for him to hold then he should be done. Tha has been a fun process. Making the pattern and designing the clothes and stuff. Not that it was terribly detailed but fun just the same. I could definately make a habit out of making stuff all day. Well, I really need to get busy on the housework (yech) All I have done so far is make the bed and... well, that's it! Does changing diapers count? Posted by Picasa